
Friday, February 24, 2012

Chile in a bread Bowl

So here was an experiment.  I usually don't follow a recipe when i cook dinner and i just make it up as i go.  This recipe was actually really good and i added a lot of weird things into it like wine and prunes.

What you need:
1 lb ground meat
1/4 cup lettuce
1/2 cup onions
1/4 cup white wine
1/4 cup sour cream
salt and pepper
1 egg
2 cans chile beans
2 cans chopped tomatoes
no knead bread
5 prunes

1) Add the egg
 Actually lets do the bread first.  when the dough is ready to go into the oven, put it in a small circular glass dish so it kind of ends up like a ball.  Then, cook it.
 2)  Chop the lettuce and onion and add them.
 3) Add the sour cream.
 Mix them all together.  melt 2 tbsp butter and 11/2 tbsp olive oil.
 Cook it
 Add the beans and tomatoe
 Let simmer for 30 minutes

 Lay the prunes ontop but don't mix them in because you will have to take them out
 When the bread is done, hollow out the center so it's like a bowl
 Take the prunes off and put as much chile as you can in there without it breaking
 This was for my parents Valentines day.


  1. This was the BEST Valentine's Day present ever!

  2. I came back to say this in all truthfulness: this was SO good. It was so richly simmered and full-bodied. It was not like a traditional chili, so I think it deserves a different name. It is far better than chili.

    I love this girl. Not only is she a good cook and baker, she has a caring heart.
